Divemaster Application

Divemaster Application
  • Your Details
  • Your Certifications
  • Your Diving Medical
  • Your Consent and Signature



Please enter the name of the agency that issued your prerequisite certification. For certifications other than NovoScuba, please select the agency that certified you and upload a copy of your certification card. To avoid delays ensure that your image clearly shows your full name, certification level, certification date and certification agency.


Missing PADI Certification Card? Use PADI Diver Verification to access your certification records


Missing SSI Certification Card? Use SSI Diver Verification to access your certification records

Missing RAID Certification Card? Use RAID Diver Verification to access your certification records

Missing SDI Certification Card? Use SDI Diver Verification to access your certification records

Missing CMAS Certification Card? Use CMAS Diver Verification to access your certification records

Diving Medical

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