Assistant Instructor Certification Requirements

What are the requirements to complete the Assistant Instructor course?

To be certified as an Assistant Instructor, the student must complete:

  • NovoScuba Online Learning for Assistant Instructor
  • Complete the following Instructor Course training sessions:
  • Present two Dive Knowledge Enrichment Teaching sessions, attaining a score of 3.5 or higher on at least one of these sessions
  • Present two Confined Water Teaching sessions, attaining a score of 3.5 or higher on at least on of these sessions
  • Present two Open Water Teaching sessions, attaining a score of 3.5 or higher on at least on of these sessions
  • Demonstrate all 25 of the Confined Water skills scoring at least 3 on each skill and earning a minimum of 80 points in total
  • Complete the NovoScuba Dive Theory exam and gain a passing score of at least 75%
  • Complete the NovoScuba Standards exam and gain a passing score of at least 75%
  • Complete the Rescue Diver skills assessment in Open Water
Updated on 21 June 2024