Night Diver Training Dive 1: Introduction to Night Diving

What skills are required for Night Diver Training Dive 1?


To familiarise divers with the basic differences between day and night diving, focusing on equipment handling and basic navigation.

Recommended Location

A familiar dive site with easy conditions and minimal current, ideally one the divers have previously visited during the day.


Students must complete the following skills:

  • Equipment Familiarisation: Practice using dive lights, both primary and backup. Learn how to handle and signal with the light underwater.
  • Basic Navigation: Simple navigation exercises using a compass and natural landmarks, staying within a confined and familiar area.
  • Buddy Communication: Practice using illuminated hand signals and light signals with a dive buddy for basic communication.
  • Observation: Encourage divers to observe how marine life’s behaviour changes at night.
Updated on 17 April 2024