Frequently Asked Questions

NovoScuba Membership

  • What do I get in return for my monthly subscription fees?

    For NovoScuba Premium subscribers, the monthly subscription fee grants you full access to all NovoScuba courses and training materials. Additionally, you will enjoy access to resources, news updates, and be part of the diving community on our platform. Please note that Standard and Plus membership plans provide access to the NovoScuba community and offer various benefits, but do not include access to our courses.

  • How do I renew my subscription?

    To renew your subscription with NovoScuba, you have two options:

    1. When your subscription is due for renewal, you will receive a notification email from NovoScuba along with a payment link. Simply follow the instructions in the email to renew your subscription hassle-free.

    2. Alternatively, you can log in to your NovoScuba account and navigate to your account settings. Look for the option to renew your subscription and follow the on-screen instructions to complete the renewal process securely.

  • How do I reactivate my account again from paused mode?

    To reactivate your account from paused mode, simply log onto your account and select your membership. You will find an option to reactivate your account, and by following the prompts provided, you can easily resume active teaching again. If you encounter any issues or need assistance during the reactivation process, feel free to reach out to our support team for help.

  • How do I update my user account details?

    To update your user account details, you can navigate to your dashboard and select "My Profile." Within this section, you will be able to edit and update any information that has changed, such as your name, contact information, password, and any other relevant details associated with your user account. Simply make the necessary changes, save your updates, and your user account details will be successfully updated.

  • How is the monthly subscription paid?

    The monthly subscription with NovoScuba is paid automatically through your registered payment method on the same date each month. This hassle-free process ensures that your subscription remains active without the need for manual renewals. By setting up automatic payments, you can enjoy uninterrupted access to your NovoScuba membership benefits.

  • How do I speak to someone?

    To speak to someone from the NovoScuba team, simply head to the Contact Us section on our website and submit your enquiry. Our team will endeavor to respond to you as promptly as possible. If you are a store, you can also reach out to your designated personal representative for assistance. We are here to help!

  • Are my personal details secure on your site?

    Yes, your personal details are highly secure on our site. We strictly adhere to our Privacy Guidelines and ensure that all your personal information is kept confidential. Our privacy practices also comply with international privacy regulations to safeguard your data. You can trust that your personal details are protected and handled with the utmost care.

Becoming a Diver

  • What is the minimum age to learn to dive?

    The minimum age to learn to dive is 10 years old. Children between the ages of 10-15 can obtain 'junior' certifications with restricted depth allowances. Once a diver reaches 18 years of age, they are eligible to obtain full certification levels. It is important to adhere to these age requirements for safety reasons and to ensure a positive learning experience for young divers.

  • Is there a maximum age limit for diving?

    No, there is no maximum age limit for diving. However, diving is a physical activity, and it is recommended that all students are fit enough to participate. It is important to consult with a healthcare provider to determine if diving is appropriate based on individual health and fitness levels.

  • When will my certification card arrive?

    Once you have completed your training and certification with NovoScuba, your certification card will be issued to you digitally in the form of a digital card. These digital cards are accessible immediately and can be saved on any digital device you use, such as Google or Apple wallet. You do not have to wait for a physical card to arrive in the mail. Simply show the digital card to any dive center to verify your certification.

  • How often do I need to do a refresher course?

    The frequency of needing a refresher course in NovoScuba is not specified by a set rule. It is recommended that divers consider taking a refresher course after a significant period of not diving. The duration of this period varies depending on your level of experience as a diver and the number of dives you had completed before the break. It is advisable to assess your comfort level and confidence in your diving skills to determine when a refresher course may be needed.

  • How long after completing my online learning can I wait before I must finish the open water training of the course?

    Typically, after completing your online theory portion of the course, you will have up to 12 months to finish your open water training. It is important to check with your training provider for specific guidelines and deadlines regarding the completion timeframe for transitioning from theory to practical training. It's recommended to plan your schedule accordingly to ensure a smooth and timely progression through all aspects of the course.

  • How long after completing my online learning can I wait before I must finish the open water training of the course?

    Typically, after completing your online theory portion of the course, you will have up to 12 months to finish your open water training. It is important to check with your training provider for specific guidelines and deadlines regarding the completion timeframe for transitioning from theory to practical training. It's recommended to plan your schedule accordingly to ensure a smooth and timely progression through all aspects of the course.

  • How many people will there be in a class?

    The number of people in a class can vary depending on the specific course. Each course has a set maximum number of students, ranging from 2 to 8. This ensures that classes are kept small to provide personalized attention and effective learning experiences. The exact number of students in a class will fall within this specified range.

  • Do I need to buy any equipment to learn to dive?

    No, you do not need to buy any equipment to learn to dive. Dive centers typically provide all the necessary gear for training purposes, including wetsuits, masks, fins, regulators, and tanks. You can use the rental equipment provided by the dive center until you decide to purchase your own gear, which is usually recommended for regular divers.

  • Do I need to take an exam?

    At the end of each lesson, you may find a short quiz,. There is no penalty for wrong answers. These assessments are simply designed to help you review the information and ensure that you have understood the material. It is recommended that you take these quizzes to assess your knowledge and progress throughout the course. At the end of each course, there will be a brief final exam.

  • Do I have to pay for my certification card?

    No, your digital certification card will be included in your course fees. You will only need to pay for a card should you lose yours and wish to replace it, or if you are moving over from another training agency and would like a NovoScuba card.

  • What is involved in learning to dive?

    In learning to dive, individuals typically undergo a scuba diving course that involves three main components. The first part consists of online lessons, where students are taught essential knowledge about diving equipment, safety procedures, underwater communication, and dive planning. The second component involves pool sessions, during which students practice essential scuba diving skills in a controlled environment. The final part of the course comprises open water dives, where students apply their knowledge and skills in real-life diving situations under the supervision of a certified instructor

  • How do the NovoScuba online courses work?

    NovoScuba online courses offer a comprehensive learning experience for divers at all levels. The courses are structured into sections covering various aspects of diving corresponding to your learning level. Once you complete the theory portion online, you will receive a confirmation of completion. To finalize your training, you will need to visit a NovoScuba dive store to participate in the pool and open water sections of the course. This practical component ensures that you apply your theoretical knowledge in real diving scenarios under the guidance of experienced instructors

  • How long does it take to learn to dive?

    Learning to dive typically involves completing the online learning at your own pace, followed by pool and open water sessions which are usually done over a period of 2-3 days. The exact duration can vary depending on the specific diving course you are taking and your individual progress. Factors such as your comfort in the water, understanding of diving knowledge, and practice in mastering skills underwater all contribute to how long it takes to become a certified diver. It is important to focus on learning the necessary skills and knowledge at your own pace.

  • How much more does it cost to complete my courses?

    The cost to complete scuba diving courses can vary depending on the specific course you are taking and the region you are diving in. To get an accurate quote, we recommend contacting the NovoScuba store of your choosing. In general, the cost of completing scuba diving courses is comparable to other outdoor sporting activities like go karting, skiing, or jet skiing. Keep in mind that additional costs may include equipment rental or purchase, certification fees, and any optional extras offered by the dive store.

  • I am not a strong swimmer, can I learn to dive?

    Absolutely! While being a strong swimmer is helpful for diving, it is not always a requirement. As long as you can swim short distances and feel comfortable in the water, you can still learn how to dive. It's essential to communicate your swimming abilities to your instructor so they can tailor the instruction to suit your needs and ensure a safe and enjoyable diving experience. Remember, everyone starts at their own pace, and with proper training and guidance, you can certainly become a proficient diver regardless of your swimming ability.

  • Is scuba diving hard to do?

    Scuba diving is not considered to be difficult to learn. Just like any sport or skill, it requires some time and dedication to learn the necessary techniques and safety procedures. With proper training from a certified instructor, almost anyone can become a certified scuba diver. The experience of exploring the underwater world is often described as amazing and absolutely worth the effort of learning how to scuba dive.

  • Can I wear my contact lenses / glasses?

    Yes, you can wear contact lenses while diving as they do not interfere with the use of a diving mask. If you wear glasses you have the option of using prescription lenses in your dive mask, which are specially designed to accommodate your vision needs while diving. These masks allow you to see clearly underwater while ensuring a comfortable and leak-free fit.

  • Where do I find the Divers Medical Form / Liability Release Form / DiveSmart Agreement?

    When you first registered with NovoScuba, you will be sent all the necessary forms such as the Divers Medical Form, Liability Release Form, and DiveSmart Agreement to complete. Your signed copies of these forms can be conveniently found in your dashboard under the "documentation" section. Simply log in to your NovoScuba account and access your dashboard to locate and access these important documents.

  • How long can you stay underwater when scuba diving?

    When scuba diving, the duration of time you can stay underwater varies depending on several factors. Factors such as tank size, depth, breathing rate, and the diver’s experience all play a role in determining how long a diver can stay submerged. In general, recreational divers plan for dives lasting between 30 minutes to an hour. However, technical divers, who undergo specialized training and use different equipment, may stay underwater for several hours. It is important to always follow safe diving practices and guidelines, such

  • How long can you stay underwater when scuba diving?

    When scuba diving, the duration of time you can stay underwater varies depending on several factors. Factors such as tank size, depth, breathing rate, and the diver’s experience all play a role in determining how long a diver can stay submerged. In general, recreational divers plan for dives lasting between 30 minutes to an hour. However, technical divers, who undergo specialized training and use different equipment, may stay underwater for several hours. It is important to always follow safe diving practices and guidelines, such

  • Is scuba diving dangerous?

    Scuba diving can be dangerous if not conducted properly or without proper training. It is important to undergo certified dive training, use appropriate equipment, and follow safety procedures to minimise risks. With the right preparation and precautions, scuba diving is considered a safe and enjoyable activity that allows divers to explore the underwater world responsibly.

Continuing with diving and education

  • Where do I find all my previous course information?

    To access all your previous course information, simply navigate to the "My Courses" section on your dashboard. This section is dedicated to displaying all the courses you have completed. You can easily find and access any of your past courses by clicking on them. This allows you to revisit the course material and refresh your knowledge whenever needed.

  • Can I go scuba diving alone?

    NovoScuba recommends that recreational divers always dive with a buddy. 

Health for Diving

  • Do I need a doctor’s approval to dive?

    If the medical questionnaire you complete as a student with NovoScuba does not raise any concerns or highlight any areas needing further exploration, you do not require a doctor's approval to dive. You can proceed with your diving activities without the need for a doctor's certificate in this case. However, if the questionnaire does identify any potential issues, it is necessary for you to see a doctor and obtain approval before engaging in diving activities to ensure your safety and well-being.

  • What are the signs of DCS?

    The signs of Decompression Sickness (DCS) can vary in severity and typically appear within hours of surfacing. Common symptoms include joint and muscle pain, dizziness or vertigo, fatigue, difficulty breathing, nausea or vomiting, skin rashes or itching, numbness or tingling, weakness or paralysis, and confusion or cognitive impairment. If you are concerned about experiencing any of these symptoms after diving, it is important to seek immediate medical advice.

  • Can I fly before/after I dive?

    It is generally advised to wait before flying after diving to minimize the risk of decompression sickness. The recommended waiting period differs based on the duration and depth of your dive. NovoScuba suggests waiting at least 24 hours before flying after diving to ensure your safety and well-being. It is essential to follow these guidelines to prevent potential health issues associated with rapid changes in altitude after diving

  • Can women dive whilst menstruating / on their period?

    Yes, women can safely go scuba diving while menstruating or on their period. Menstruation does not pose any risk to diving, and it is possible to participate in this activity with careful consideration and preparation. It may be helpful to wear appropriate feminine hygiene products and communicate with your diving instructor about any concerns or accommodations needed during this time. It is recommended to follow hygiene practices to ensure comfort and prevent any potential nuisances during the dive.

  • I have ear problems. Can I dive?

    If you have ear problems such as pain during activities like flying or swimming, it's important to consult with a medical professional before considering scuba diving. Ear discomfort while diving can be caused by difficulty equalizing pressure underwater, which may worsen pre-existing ear issues. Your instructor can provide guidance on proper equalisation techniques, but it's crucial to address any underlying ear conditions first to ensure a safe and enjoyable diving experience.

  • I get claustrophobic. Will diving be a problem for me?

    If you experience claustrophobia, diving may still be possible for you, but it's important to address this concern with your diving instructor before beginning any training or dives. Your instructor can provide advice and guidance on techniques to overcome feelings of claustrophobia while underwater. Some divers find that the vast expanse of the ocean around them helps alleviate feelings of confinement, but it's crucial to communicate openly with your instructor about any discomfort or fears you may have. 

  • I am diabetic, can I scuba dive?

    If you are diabetic and considering scuba diving, it is essential to seek advice from a qualified physician who has experience in diving medicine. Diabetes, being a condition that can affect various bodily functions such as heart function and nervous system function, may have an impact on your ability to scuba dive safely. A physician specializing in diving medicine can assess your individual health condition, consider factors such as your overall health status, control of blood sugar levels, and any potential complications that may arise during a dive

  • I have asthma, can I scuba dive?

    Scuba diving is generally considered safe for individuals with well-controlled asthma. However, it is crucial to consult with a qualified physician before engaging in scuba diving, especially if you have a medical condition such as asthma that affects respiratory function. Your physician can assess your individual health condition, provide guidance on diving safety, and recommend any necessary precautions to ensure a safe and enjoyable diving experience. It's essential to prioritize your health and safety by seeking professional medical advice before participating in any physically demanding activity.

  • What are the most common injuries people get when scuba diving?

    The most common injuries people experience when scuba diving are scrapes and stings from marine life. These can typically be avoided by wearing protective exposure suits, being cautious of where you place your hands and feet, and staying off the bottom during your dive. Additionally, sunburn and seasickness can also be concerns for divers, but these can often be prevented or managed with over-the-counter preventatives.

  • Is it difficult to breathe whilst scuba diving?

    It is not difficult to breathe whilst diving. Breathing underwater can take some getting used to but will become second nature in no time.

  • Is scuba diving a good form of exercise?

    Diving is a low impact exercise that can improve cardiovascular health, stamina, strength and muscle tone. It is a great way to reduce stress and burn some calories.

  • Does scuba diving help you lose weight?

    You can burn up to 600 calories during a dive...without even being aware of it. 

  • Is it ok to drink alcohol after scuba diving?

    There is nothing to prevent you from drinking alcohol after diving. However dehydration can lead to DCS and as such we recommend you do not drink too much and stay hydrated. 

  • Why do I feel tired after diving?

    It is quite normal to feel tired after diving. The combination of physical exertion, mental focus, environmental factors, and physiological changes can all contribute to post-dive fatigue.

Marine Life

  • Do I need to worry about sharks?

    No, you do not need to worry about sharks while diving recreationally. In general, encountering a shark is actually a positive and exciting experience for many divers. During recreational diving activities, there are usually no triggering behaviors like feeding that would attract sharks, so they are not particularly interested in interacting with divers. Sharks are an important part of the marine ecosystem and typically pose little threat to divers who follow safety guidelines and respect their environment.

  • Can you encounter dangerous animals while diving?

    Yes, you can encounter dangerous marine life while diving, such as sharks, jellyfish, venomous fish or snakes, and certain types of cephalopods. However, these encounters are usually avoidable through proper dive planning, following local guidelines, and acting respectfully towards marine creatures. It's essential to be aware of the potential risks and take necessary precautions to minimize the chances of encountering dangerous animals while diving.

  • Can you encounter dangerous animals while diving?

    Yes, you can encounter dangerous marine life while diving, such as sharks, jellyfish, venomous fish or snakes, and certain types of cephalopods. However, these encounters are usually avoidable through proper dive planning, following local guidelines, and acting respectfully towards marine creatures. It's essential to be aware of the potential risks and take necessary precautions to minimize the chances of encountering dangerous animals while diving.


  • What is the difference between a Guided Diver and Independent Diver?

    The main difference between a Guided Diver and an Independent Diver lies in the depth limits and diving buddy requirements. As a Guided Diver, you are certified to dive to a depth of 12m but must be accompanied by a NovoScuba professional diver, such as a Divemaster or above. On the other hand, as an Independent Diver, you can dive to a depth of 18m with any other certified diver. 

  • Do I have to do the Dive Adventurer before I can do the Dive Explorer?

    No, you do not have to complete the Dive Adventurer course before taking the Dive Explorer course. The Dive Explorer course can be taken immediately after completing the Independent Diver course. These courses are designed to build upon each other, but they are not dependent on completing previous courses in the series before moving on to the next level.

  • How long does the Divemaster course take?

    The duration of the Divemaster course can vary depending on the dive center. While each dive center will structure their Divemaster course in their own way, typically this course will take about 2-3 weeks to complete. It is important to check with the specific dive center you are interested in for more detailed information on the duration and structure of their Divemaster course.

  • How do I get certified to dive to 30m?

    To get certified to dive to depths of 30m, you can complete the Deep Adventure dive as part of your Dive Adventurer or Dive Explorer course. Another option is to take the full Deep Diver Specialty course. Both of these options will provide you with the necessary training and skills to safely dive to greater depths.

  • Is a NovoScuba instructor internationally recognised?

    Yes, NovoScuba instructors are internationally recognised. Upon receiving certification as a NovoScuba instructor, you will be qualified to teach NovoScuba courses anywhere in the world. This recognition allows you to conduct classes and certify students in various locations around the globe, providing you with opportunities to share your expertise and passion for scuba diving on an international scale.


  • Is the NovoScuba certification internationally recognised?

    Yes, NovoScuba is a fully ISO certified training agency, which means that your dive certification will be recognized worldwide. This certification allows you to dive within your training limits in any location around the globe, as it meets the international standards set by ISO. Whether you're diving in a tropical paradise or exploring cold-water wrecks, your NovoScuba certification will be accepted and respected internationally.

  • Can I continue with NovoScuba after starting with another agency?

    Yes, you can continue your training with NovoScuba even if you started with another agency. NovoScuba allows you to "cross over" and continue from the same equivalent level as your current certification from another agency. This means that you can seamlessly transition and continue your diving education with NovoScuba without having to restart your training.

  • How much is a replacement card?

    The NovoScuba digital certification card is $3.99

  • How long will my diving license last?

    The diving license issued by NovoScuba is valid for life, meaning you do not need to renew it. However, we recommend refreshing your skills after long periods of no diving to ensure your safety and readiness for future dives. It is important to stay proficient and up to date with your diving skills for a safe and enjoyable experience underwater.