Divemaster Course Water Skill Exercises

What are the water skill exercises for the Divemaster course?

Water Skills Exercise 1: 375 metres Swim

Time (Minutes) Score
Less than 6 5
6 to 8 4
8 to 10 3
10 to 12 2
Over 12 1
Stopped Incomplete

Water Skills Exercise 2: 750 metres Snorkel Swim

Time (Minutes) Score
Less than 13 5
13 to 15 4
15 to 17 3
17 to 19 2
Over 19 or stopped Incomplete

Water Skills Exercise 3: 15 Minute Tread

Benchmark Score
Completed 5
Completed tread, but hands were not out of the water for 2 minutes. 3
Used the side or bottom for temporarily support, no,more than 2 times 1
Used the side or bottom for temporarily support more than 2 times Incomplete

Water Skills Exercise 4: 100 metres Tired Diver Tow

Time (Minutes) Score
Less than 5
2 to 3 4
3 to 4 3
4 to 5 2
Over 5 1
Stopped Incomplete
Updated on 22 April 2024