Independent Diver Open Water Dive Skills

Which skills are required to complete the Independent Diver course open water dives?

For example, mask partial flood comes before mask full flood, and so on. However, the specific timing of when to teach these skill types during Confined Water sessions will depend on the confidence levels of your students and logistical considerations.

Mask Skills Buoyancy Skills Snorkel Skills Equipment Skills Regulator Skills General Skills
1. Partial mask flood and clear 1. BCD inflation and deflation at the surface. 50 Metre Snorkel swim Equipment assembly and disassembly (x3) 1. Breathing underwater Equalisation techniques
2. Fully Flooded mask clear 2. Neutral Buoyancy Disconnect and reconnect LPI 2. Regulator clearing Predive check (each dive)
3. Mask removal and replacement 3. Hover Weight system removal and replacement at the surface 3. Regulator Recovery Controlled descent
4. No mask breathing Weight Check 4. Alternate air source ascent Ascent
5. No Mask Swim SPG Use Snorkel to regulator exchange Hand Signals
BCD removal and replacement at the surface Deep Water Entry
BCD removal and replacement at the surface
Updated on 17 April 2024